Monday, September 30, 2019

YouTube Channels I Watch: farfromsubtle

If I have a go to channel, this is one of them. It's been on and off with videos over the past year, but I'll see what they do. For farfromsubtle, I remember them way back.

We're talking 2006, 07. Literally when they first started with their Awesome Video Games show, which was a parody of the 80s and 90s video game shows. It would take a while to load due to slow Internet, but they were very short. Whether it was YouTube or ScrewAttack, loading the videos was a hassle. Then somewhere around 08 or so, I stopped watching them. I think I just lost interest, but not because I didn't care.

What got me back into them was when they did a tribute to the late Harold Ramis and the various films he worked on. My brother showed me the video and then I started looking at other videos from them. A lot changed in five, six years. They were doing a lot of modern games with another show, and fixated on what is going on with the industry. An example of a channel also that does stuff via Twitch and then the content to YouTube.

I would say they are mostly tolerable. At least the reactions aren't forced when they play through games. And one thing I'd give credit is trying out more than the big name titles. Watch some of their four player game videos. It gives me the college vibe of playing games with others and getting very competitive. The cursing does get a little excessive, but it's not fully deliberate. They're not following.

What farfromsubtle should do is keep doing what they are doing. It may not get them every user, but what they have done the last 10 years is something to be pleased in accomplishing.

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