Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Seeking Sugar Teachers

There's a story recently that caught my interest because I know some people that are teachers. While I don't see them using a monetized dating site, I can't blame the ones that would. Sometimes, these educators don't get the salaries they think they envision.

This is literally the first time I've heard about the site seekingarrangements. I find it to be unique judging from an article I've seen about it on Yahoo Lifestyle. The idea of someone paying another one is not anything original. But from what I understand, the site does not want stuff like prostitution or any of that. The teacher story is interesting and from the few people that were interviewed, they aren't living a life of luxury. It is a call for help. A teacher is typically stressed out. Some say they aren't, but I don't buy that. I can't see a sustainable juggle if one were to hold a couple jobs unless the second job was weekends only, and even that's not always a guarantee.

It's not all sunshine and daisies. But more power to the ones that use the site as long as they are safe with doing it. Can't always be sure on who the person they are talking to will be nice or not.

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