Tuesday, June 23, 2020

I'll Take a Classic... Film

You need your entertainment. Something to hold you over. The drive in movie theaters are your destination. I'm willing to bet all around the country that this mentality is what is helping. Older films getting re-released and being the ones you hear being number one. Nothing beats having a Spielberg film. Jurassic Park and Jaws lead the way, both making half a million dollars according to Deadline. There is the good and bad that comes from this.

With people being cooped up, they may not want the TV experience of going to the movie theaters. Something like a Jurassic Park can draw them to see something, even though it is very old. But you need something, and some of these newer films may not cut it. I think it would be healthy to have some of those newer releases and have those choices to go along with the classic films (or what you, the reader, may see as a classic.), which I wouldn't be surprised if some theaters are doing it. There's even other Speilberg films hitting the top ten. The Goonies, Back to the Future, E.T.. There's other classic ones, but they couldn't reach the numbers, even with how low they are.

But one issue is that these kind of films are constantly on television. They are the draw for theaters, but this is also how cable networks attempt for ratings. Why else do you see the same stuff over and over every few weeks? Not to mention marathons of specific franchises or specific actors. Freeform spams Twilight. Viacom loves Bad Boys, Adam Sandler, and Eddie Murphy. TNT always airs Shooter. Turner wants any comic book movie that they can get for their channels. And NBCUniversal will do anything to give Harry Potter air time. A re-release for a specific time or anniversary is one thing, and it's understandable. But as said in The Simpsons Movie, why pay when you can see it on TV for free? That's not the exact quote, but some may not feel the need to see a classic in the theater. Especially if you have the DVD of a film being re-released. There is the satisfaction of saying you saw it in theaters, but is that enough?

There's not much in choices, but anything is better than nothing over these last few months.

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Geeks and Jocks: Bonus Episode 7

 Bonus episode https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ryan-sullivan1gaj/episodes/Bonus-Episode-7-e27h1a2