Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Tag Film Review

The premise for Tag is not a bad idea. It's idea comes from adults who have played the game for such a long time, and this is a movie take on a group that takes the game seriously for one month every year.

It's five guys who have played for 30 years the same game of tag. One of them has never been touched and considered it and he is looking to retire after getting married. With that, the other four try to find ways to tag him. However, it's not as easy as it sounds. For a comedy, it's not as bad as you think. They work around the one that has never been it as someone who is a lot smarter and has a lot of tactics to not get touched. The methods the other four do come very close, but he is one step ahead of them every time.

There isn't much substance to the plot as it is very simple. Not really any side plots outside of a part with two of the group trying to win over a woman that they dated in high school. The focus is tagging and the methods. One thing I am a bit surprised is that the women that are watching this unfold are not fazed or angry. In fact, one of them at times gets crazy about the game and wanting to see the one finally get tagged.

I don't know what else to say. It's not as bad a film as you think, though your mileage may vary. There are some monotonous moments around the mid late part, but it's consistent in being funny. This isn't one I would recommend fully, but if it is still playing in your theater, it's not a bad choice to see.

Score: 6.5 out of 10

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Geeks and Jocks: Bonus Episode 7

 Bonus episode https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ryan-sullivan1gaj/episodes/Bonus-Episode-7-e27h1a2