Tuesday, July 17, 2018

King Oddball (PS4) Review

I've played my share of Internet based games, whether they were flash games or Internet type games on consoles. King Oddball is no different from the latter. In ways, it reminds me of Crush the Castle, only with a weird premise. There's a good idea in this, but it's physics and one or two other things keep this from being something you will keep playing after you finish it.

You're a round ball king who throws rocks at tanks, helicopters, and people. That's it. You are hell bent on destroying the world with over 100 levels of destruction. Some of them are basic and easy. Other times, you need to strategize, especially getting into the later half of the game. Three rocks is all you are given, but you can get extras by hitting three enemies with one rock or hitting yourself A few challenge modes are seen throughout the game. One example is a grenade one where it's destroying enemies with only grenades.

The game is no different than Internet games with the graphics. It's not a bad thing because it is simple. It looks nice and distinctive. Not a lot of animations but that's a given. There isn't much with music, but it's basic and gets the job done. Sound effects comes down to mostly explosions and stuff like walls getting hit.

If I were to put a complaint, it's the physics. My biggest knock is that even when you know what to do, it may not always do what you hope happens. Having only three rocks every time to begin a level is a bummer, especially considering how Crush the Castle did it better with giving rocks. King Oddball isn't something I would put on a recommendation list, but if you're bored and find it for cheap on PSN, give it a shot.

Score: 6 out of 10

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