Monday, August 16, 2021

Best Trevor Moore Sketches

The shock is still kind of here. Last week had the sudden death of comedian Trevor Moore. He was the founder of The Whitest Kids U'Know, a sketch comedy group that has a very huge cult following due to their material. I have been a fan for a little over a decade discovering their TV show. I'd like to say my favorite sketches. One from each season and a couple of honorable mentions.

Season 1: Lincoln: Probably their most well known. Moore plays John Wilkes Booth and wants to enjoy Hamlet. To his annoyance is President Abe Lincoln, who is played by Zach Cregger. The absurdity of the leader of the nation taunting him and causing Booth to snap and kill him. Over the top, but still holds its own 14 years later. Honorable mentions include Astronaut Mess and Bigfoot vs. Gravedigger/Monster Truck. Watch his mannerisms in the latter sketch.

Season 2: I Teached a Whale: Moore is a child who pisses off Mrs. Lambert (Cregger) about his story and she wants proof of him getting a whale's tail off. What works is the people they meet, which is the whole Whitest Kids group (there's only five members) and the desperation to get a whale. A few jabs at the teacher and the reasons of not having whales. Really fun sketch to watch. Honorable mentions are Oh Shit and Nail Gun.

Season 3: Wheel of Money: Everything you can do to anger Trevor is here. Bad contestants, legal issues and chaos at the. The myriad of reactions. There's a lot of sketches from this season that deserve mention. Foot Touch is really funny. Yellow Mustard-ed, Little Rascals, Gandalf, Trent Reznor, Earthquake, Horses Love, Table Monster, Grapist, Back Seat, Jerkocaust, and Helicopter Wife Cheating. Really funny ones that he shined in.

Season 4: Chicken, Not Kitten: It's one of those sketches that the twist is funny and you will grasp why Moore's character doesn't care for health inspection. A sense of being a douchebag and his outfit. The reactions from the health inspector and highway department guy are what give the sketch plenty of chuckles. Honorable mentions are Pussy Salad (that's the actual name of the skit) and Hunting Housecats.

Season 5: Teacher's Union: Not a starring sketch for Moore, but how he portrays the evil teacher is gut busting. All five members have reasons to laugh in this one. To be honest, this is the only season I'm not overly familiar with due to IFC censoring the show because of adding commercials. If I had to put honorable mentions, Careful Commandos, Old Folks Home, and Ants.

What are your favorite sketches that Trevor Moore did? Just think about some of the things he did that made you laugh and became a fan. 

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