Monday, January 18, 2021

Dancing for Food... GrubHub Style

Being in a pandemic, food delivery has become a bigger deal. DoorDash and several other sites have become prominent. We all have those days where we want something quick. Not wanting to make food or want any left over food. GrubHub has been one of the big names. Heavily advertised. Back in November, they put one up. It's an animated ad of adults and kids getting excited for food. Dancing to a beat as they take bites of their meals. It's been panned for the most part and I don't blame the people for hating it.

For one thing, the animation does look second rate. Like a worse version of Dreamworks and Illumination combined. I'm no expert on cartoon animation, but still. The character modeling looks awful and ugly. I know it's trying to make a point with delivery and getting food, but this route was poorly executed. The camera angles to get the dance parts in are very hipster like. Music videos are cool when done right, but this is not what you need for a commercial.

I personally think there is much worse for commercials. This is still pretty bad in itself, but if I had to pick the worst, I'd have plenty of options. It's up there with the East Hills Mall commercial in terms of cringe. It's up there with car insurance ads in terms of being shoved so much down people's throats. This has become many memes. Even GrubHub has done a few memes on this. I wouldn't get mad about it and be like some people and not use a service if I wanted to. So childish to refuse to use the service.

Commercials now these days involve a lot of songs. Overproduced ads that have nothing to do with the ads themselves. Cringe ones that I'm surprised make airwaves considering the strictness of the FCC. While I don't think the GrubHub commercial should be banned, I would reconsider how to do other ads in the future. Just do live action ones. If they do go the animation route, look for something better or better storyboards. Awful execution and as I said, panned and with good reason.

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