Monday, July 20, 2020

Virus + Accuracy = Even Less Weather Accuracy?

Maybe I'm confused about a headline I read. Supposedly, weathermen are even less accurate because of the virus. While I wouldn't doubt it, it's not like the predictions have been that good.

It doesn't matter if it's a local or a cable network, things have gotten worse over the last decade. Seems like 90 percent of the time this stuff occurs, it doesn't happen. Usually, it's around the summer when they can't get a good read on temperature and whether there will be storms or not. Or the storms or bad weather is blown out of proportion. That doesn't mean tornadoes and hurricanes don't exist, but it's ridiculous how wrong the predictions are.

While I do think spring and winter is a little better, it's still not enough to make meteorologists better. The technology has gotten better, but the personalities are not keeping up. I'm not sure if there is a solution to make things more accurate or if accuracy gets even worse. But to say it's because of the virus is hogwash. It's attention seeking and a reason sites and blogs go for those types of stories.

Not every meteorologist is bad, but the reception overall will not get better.

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