Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Cannibal Jones

If you can't sink that low, sink even lower. Why hasn't Alex Jones been put in a mental institution? Or is he that good of an actor to fool a lot of people?

We're only a couple months into the pandemic lockdowns, but a guy like him is looking attention in these bad moments of time. To say he is resorting to cannibalism and eating other people, that goes beyond ridiculous. It's not like we're in that horrible of a situation. It could be a way to get attention and drive people to his websites and buy whatever bullshit he thinks will cure problems. Unless food supplies are that low (which it isn't), this is similar to a Treehouse of Horror episode of The Simpsons where Homer eats people even though he has only been surviving in a competition for just a night.

It's not the only thing that keeps Jones in the spotlight. The last few years have seen Sandy Hook families going after the conspiracy theorist for believing the 2012 shooting at the school was fake. I believe he has been told to pay the families. And recently, he may have just lost a lawyer. I don't blame the lawyer, who has done very well for who knows how many years. It could be a losing effort from a nut. Why not withdraw? There will be a bitter end to all this stuff in Connecticut.

This is not what I call good publicity.

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