Thursday, May 14, 2020

Low Risk Drive-In?

I don't have much to comment on for what could come back following this pandemic. Many states have their phases on what should reopen. Being couped up in a home for a long time could drive some a little crazy. But what if you want to see a movie? Parts of the country will more than likely have plans on what should open and what shouldn't until a specific time. Drive-ins seem like they would be a low risk.

You're in your car. You listen via your radios whether in the vehicle or you bring a portable radio. You're set. But what about food? I don't see the concession stand open. The last time I went to a drive-in was not too long ago in 2016. Brought my own food and drink, a little entertainment before the movies began. People, especially if its families, will need to be well-prepared. I would bring some protection like wipes and some Lysol to keep everyone clean and safe. A little precaution doesn't hurt.

But what movies could you have? Many are still pushed back. I didn't know Top Gun: Maverick got pushed back to the Christmas season until a few days ago. I knew many were delayed, but I didn't think it would because of it being a June release and my assumptions that things would get better by the time that month hit. Can't use movies that haven't been in theaters for a while and/or made the release to home video and streaming. Maybe you have to go old school and do older movies. There's not a good solution depending on the drive-in in question. You would hope at least that they would know there should be entertainment and get people out of the house for a short while, even if it's for three to six hours.There are triple features at some places.

This should be a low risk option. Practice the social distancing and plan ahead and things should go smoothly. We do need entertainment. But we still have to have it in a safe manner.

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