Monday, February 17, 2020

Valentine's Day a Holiday?

Another year goes, another passing of Valentine's Day. The question is asked whether its a holiday or not. Some say yes. I'm of the camp that says no.

I can't blame people for wanting to do a very nice gesture in taking their significant other someplace nice. But that's the thing. Couples do that all the time. Doesn't matter if it's a day in August or a day to begin the new year. And we can also look at the side of capitalism. Imagine the amount of product sold for floral stuff, candy. The numbers must be ridiculous but is easily justified.

Everything is a National "insert name" day or a holiday. You would hope it's for a little recognition, but I almost feel like most of the time, it's just a way to get a quick profit. There isn't much else I can say. Just love your significant other every day. You don't always need Valentine's to justify your love. Use it any day that you think would be necessary. We don't always need a holiday to show a good side.

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