Saturday, February 8, 2020

Birds of Prey: Comic Book Fatigue?

I'm going into this blog by saying I don't know much regarding the DC comic villain, Harley Quinn. I know that Margot Robbie's take on her in Suicide Squad was one of the very few bright spots to it. Looking at that, it makes sense to have a new movie with Birds of Prey and put her in a role that gives her a bigger presence. But with a disappointing first day at the box office, it should be number one, but disappointing number one.

Judging by the trailers, it's a film that is very wacky based on Quinn's persona. Is this comic book fatigue, though? No. Critically, it's doing fine. Maybe its the tonal shift. Going from the dark and serious Joker back in October to this with the same R rating but more violent and out of control. But this is a problem with obscure character films. DC doesn't have the well of comic book characters to make movies of like Marvel. But Marvel has struggled with some of their films, including a couple Thor films, Ant-Man. I think Doctor Strange was not a huge hit compared to its other companions.

Maybe the release date was a bad idea. We've seen movies do well now in the winter months and possibly emulating how Black Panther did. Blockbusters don't always happen in the summer. But with competition from Bad Boys, 1917, and a few other award nominated films, it could be a reason it doesn't do well in the theater. There's the more friendly Sonic the Hedgehog next week. Call of the Wild in a couple weeks. Lots of small indie films releasing this month. Maybe this could have done better in the summer. Maybe not.

Ending today's blog, poor timing by Warner Brothers. But I don't think they were expecting older competition to keep doing well and keep people interested. Or maybe the love affair for Quinn was overdone and fans were disappointed. Lots of what ifs for this film. Should make a bit worldwide, but the lower numbers will be tough to swallow.

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