Thursday, April 29, 2021

Why Not a New F-Zero?

While what I talk about is applying to Nintendo, this can also apply to other companies as well. But recently, there was a former designer for F-Zero that said that a new title would require a new gimmick to sell people on it. In recent weeks, I believe the president of Nintendo of Japan talked about wanting to create new IP's, something that concerns fans. We're talking a company that has many small tiered games that are questioned on why they don't get a new release.

F-Zero was a relatively popular game on the SNES when it came out. Add in a handful of titles for the next 12-13 years and no new release since 2004. For as big as Mario Kart has gotten in the last 25 years (It has been big since its debut in 92, but I think 3D beginning with 64 helped it), not everyone wants to be only playing that. People want to see a new F-Zero. A new Wave Race. It's not like they are going to take over the popularity of Mario Kart. Not to mention these are all different types of racers. Sony had that with the original PlayStation. A sim racing game like Gran Turismo and a mascot type one with Crash Team Racing.

Even beyond racers, Nintendo is strange with its releases. No new Kid Icarus between 1991 and 2012. No new Punch-Out between 1994 and 2009. A 15 year wait for a new Pilotwings game. They may not reach Kirby or Metroid levels of success, but you can compliment this for something like the Switch. You can only go so far with playing the best sellers of Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, Splatoon, and Animal Crossing. I would argue the oversaturation of Mario across many genres being a factor a little bit. Why play Golden Sun or Advance Wars when you can play Paper Mario or the Mario and Luigi games?

Companies should always think about creating new potential franchise. But the worry I think people have with Nintendo is abandoning them for so long that they question if there will ever be a new release. I could see Splatoon getting abandoned at the drop of a hat, and that's a moderate success considering it's fared better compared to other Nintendo releases. I also question if the company thinks there is appeal for some of their titles outside of Japan. We're not in the late 80s and early 90s anymore where knowledge is limited on some of these releases. 

We are in a resurgence of old franchises returning. Medal of Honor came back in December. ToeJam and Earl came out in 2019. Streets of Rage returned last year. A new TMNT set to release sometime soon. Mega Man, House of the Dead, Crash Bandicoot. The list goes on. Nintendo has a deep well of titles they can go back to. How about a new StarTropics? For some giggles, how about remaking Radar Scope? If there's a time to strike while the iron is hot, these next couple of years with the Switch is that opportunity.

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