Saturday, April 17, 2021

Rotting Cable Journalism

For the record, I am not affiliated with organizations like Project Veritas. I find the story interesting as a whole. Out of the trio of cable news networks, CNN has dropped the most in its ratings lately. Sites like TheWrap reporting just barely over a million on average during one week in March. The whole month of March at 1.2 million according to Deadline.  Why the drop?

One of the main aspects is the targeting of Donald Trump over the last five years. Last year was not good altogether. Whatever the case, this Veritas thing did an expose on a technical director for CNN. In a video, the guy, Charlie Chester, talked on a date with an undercover woman about multiple things. Talking about how great it was CNN wanted Trump out of office and succeeded. Focusing on climate change for a new narrative to obsess about. Racial crimes for anything that didn't involve Black Lives Matter not being reported as published by  COVID numbers.

Essentially, Chester told the woman about the network's stuff over this past year. It reeks of how bad journalistic integrity is over at CNN. There are other networks and reporters just as bad, but this takes the cake. It's already bad enough when you have the controversies of Chris Cuomo, a recent interview Don Lemon did in regards to ratings and being happy his ratings are low. How low of a bar can you get with journalism? Probably down to the center of the core.

This Project Veritas did get banned on Twitter. Or at least the founder, James O'Keefe. Supposedly, it was for having alternative accounts. Anyone have a feeling it was something other than that? Whatever the reason, his plans are to sue the site and CNN. I'm not sure if he would win, but it would expose the issues of news networks and the influence of social media and their bias. What's sad is that CNN used to be something to watch. I think 2021 will continue to be very rough. People do get tired of antics of networks.

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