Monday, December 28, 2020

The Final Adobe Days

Back in 2003, I found the site, Newgrounds. This was one I would visit for the next six, seven years in looking at video content, flash games. All of this being done with stuff like Adobe, flash players, what have you. Over the years, Apple went with html and it marked the end of flash as we know it. With it being days away, it will bring forth an end to an era that most will never forget.

There were issues with flash. It brought a lot of security issues and was easy to manipulate. For a number of people, it was a simple way to do cartoons, easy games in terms of using certain styles. I remember with Cartoon Network. Even for shows I don't like, they had some great flash games you didn't see on consoles or standard computer releases. I'm sure others have other memories from various sites, but that's what I remember from long ago.

Game memories include some stick figure games. Stick RPG being the most notable. Newgrounds with a handful of Sonic the Hedgehog games, several Mario stuff. Duck Hunt and a 1945 mod of it. A flash version of the first episode of Doom, which was very surprising. Pac-Man: White House Edition. A number of Cartoon Network games that I remember, but don't remember the title names. Never played much Nickelodeon stuff outside of SpongeBob flash games and one or two other games. 

Other sites I can't remember, but there was Homer's Beer Run from The Simpsons. A sneaking game that had you playing as O.J. Simpson. A farting game where you had to hide farts from another. Pac-Xon, a Qix type of game, but with Pac-Man. Yahoo and Microsoft had game sections. Collapse was one I played a lot of. Rocket Mania, Dyno-Might. Played 8-ball a bit. Multiple sites had Crush the Castle. Some of these may not be flash, but that's what I remember.

The last year or so has seen Internet Archive make sure the animations and games of flash are preserved. It's really nice to see this happen because I would assume there are a number of sites that are abandoned or they don't want to go a different route. Preserving history has become one of the big important things for a number of mediums. One generation in another lifetime will discover these and find it via the virtual archive.

Here's to Adobe. May it live peaceful in its final days. Apple, go fuck yourself.

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