Sunday, September 13, 2020

Naughty Naughty Borat Back

 I'm not the biggest fan of Sacha Baron Cohen, but he is funny. Whether it's his own material, working with other comedic talents, he is a highlight to many. But one thing that many may realize is being a private person. This was something I read about years ago. Looking at roles he has done and his marriage, that's hard to imagine. But to film a new Borat sequel must have been really grueling.

Many sites have caught wind of what is going on with it. Supposedly, it's already filmed and Cohen screened it. A plot line indicates a focus on politics and being famous. Borat tries to hide from the public because of what he did in the original film and is recognized instantly. A lot of the film will probably be not so much the plot, but the weird and absurd antics of the Kazakhstan reporter. That's what made the first one a huge hit and garnered a lot of acclaim and huge controversy. There were lawsuits involving it. Fun trivia fact is that Todd Phillips was slated to direct, but stopped after the Texas scene drew a lot of criticism. That lead to Larry Charles, a man known for very dark Seinfeld episodes, taking over

Cohen has worked with other Seinfeld crew members on other films such as The Dictator. Whether they came back is a question. I'm curious as to whether or not the film is going to streaming or a studio is going to foot the bill and put it in theaters. Fox had it in 2006, but with Disney acquiring them last year, I don't know. The House of Mouse would be too scared and chicken out of releasing because it would “hurt” their reputation. You can't stick to G and PG movies forever. Maybe it will be somethiung like The Irishman. Stream first and then go to cinemas.

Maybe with all the issues surrounding the world over the last 14 years propelled Cohen to make another Borat film. If there's a time and a place to do it, it's now. Are we ready for a very offensive film? I think so, but many will potentially lash. As Borat says, very nice.

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