Sunday, April 28, 2019

A Stream Of Competition

The go to sites for streaming is Netflix and Hulu. They have provided their share of programming that is from other companies along with material they have created themselves. There are also sites like Amazon and a few others that have jumped into this craze, but a couple more could spell disaster for them.

I'm talking about Disney and NBC. These two are set to have their own streaming services in the next year or two. Disney has a huge backlog of films and shows they can put on there.  Their own stuff, Lucasfilm and Marvel. With Fox, a lot more can be added. They are sitting on thousands of well known stuff. How can it go wrong? Depends on the price and what films Disney censors. It would mean butchered versions of specific films or ones that will never see the light of day like Song of the South.

The NBC one is interesting. My main question is what they own. Mainly what they had made before Universal and Comcast. Something like Fresh Prince I don't see being on there because of Warner Brothers involvement. Having a competitor would not bode well. The same could also apply to shows Universal had on other networks that aren't NBC or Comcast affiliated. I guess unless CBS, ABC, or Fox were involved, they would go to the service next year. There are a lot of movies and shows that can make up a good lot of of the streaming. It may not be deep like Disney, but it shouldn't bore anyone, either.

I think we are heading towards a new era where individual companies are having streaming for themselves. The question lies in how much people are willing to spend and when too many ruin it for everyone.

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