Monday, November 2, 2020

Uncharted Waters: Uncharted Movie Finished

When you think of Uncharted, you think of mostly the original trilogy on PlayStation 3. It was an important one as it got the system going with the original and the second one was when Sony pushed the system that hard. For Naughty Dog, it was very much your cinema type of game. That treasure hunt and weaving in some platforming, action. Feeling like Lara Croft or Indiana Jones, but much more wisecracks. It has the makings of a movie, and the one that they are making finished up not too long.

Barring any setbacks from the pandemic or other situations, this video game movie is set to come out next summer. The last couple of years have seen the usually hated genre get commercial success through Rampage, Detective Pikachu, and Sonic the Hedgehog. Sonic and Pikachu also were well received compared to Rampage's mixed reviews. Uncharted went through a lot development hell. This was supposed to be made five years ago and come out in 2016. It went through many directors and never fitted with anyone. 

Whatever happened before and during the pandemic, they got it to work. Ruben Fleischer has a decent track record. Out of all the people to get to play Nathan Drake, why Tom Holland? I know studios see him as the new hot talent, but is it going to be their version of Spider-Man? Pending what they show and what the script was, it could work. Mark Wahlberg playing Victor Sullivan is an odd choice, but he could be a natural to be that character. I guess they got the story to involve Chloe Frazer, who will be played by Sophia Taylor Ali. How that pans out, I'm not sure. And they also have Antonio Banderas in if I had to guess, a villain role. I haven't followed much of the film's production, but from brief glimpses in the last few days, the set up seems better than what I expected.

I could see audiences sort of getting into it, but it will have to impress a lot of gamers to make them see it. At least with the PS3 games, they set up a foundation for what worked and what didn't with its characters. You have the big characters involved. Depending on the timeline, there may not be characters like Elena Fisher. Whether you see rivals like Eddy Raja, I can't say for sure. I'm speculating too much, but it can go down in huge glory or be a massive bomb if the budget is very expensive. It has the makings to go either. The momentum has been better the last few years. Only a matter of whether audiences enjoy a different take on treasure hunting.

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