Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Stopping Early in Sport

The idea of retiring early has become a common thought in the last five years. Dominant players in the sport they are in only to announce they are done. With the NFL, Andrew Luck announcing his retirement at the start of the season sent shockwaves and a bit of anger. A guy like Luke Kuechly, it shouldn't be a surprise.

With the surprise retirement, some wonder what he will do next. Is he a Hall of Fame guy? I think he could be. But I'll take a reason why he is hanging up the cleats. His health is a big factor. For the last five years, he has battled concussions. There's a point where how much more he can do himself is going to be a factor to wanting to commit to keep playing the game.

It's not just the physical side that guys like Kuechly have to deal with. The mental side is another one. A guy with multiple concussions is going to have mood swings and find themselves in a different place. Not being as sharp is always a thing, but injuries and longevity, they play a role. You can't blame him for leaving the game early. Fans need to understand that. You can't put a price on life after the game. Kuechly will be remembered as one of the greatest Carolina Panthers to be on that team. Hopefully, whatever profession he goes to, he can succeed and accomplish a lot and make the best of the post-football life.

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