Saturday, August 4, 2018

Papa Loves Losing

I don't think I've ever seen a pizza franchise get into as much trouble and lose so much as Papa John's has in the last year or so. Founded in 1984 by John Schnatter, they have been a really huge sponsor to sporting events, tons of commercials with the founder. That being said, Schnatter's mouth has got him losing NFL sponsorship. Baseball is stopping promotions. His own company is doing whatever is necessary to prevent him from getting back into power following last month's resignation as CEO. This is all on him and plenty of concern is arising regarding using slurs a while back.

When you think football and pizza, you think mostly Papa John's because of the commercials they plaster every commercial break. Schnatter's thoughts on the NFL anthem protests is what hurt him and started this decline. Some think there is an image problem with the company. I actually agree. I think they have to revamp themselves and try to change the image that they have suffered with since last October. I see higher ups getting nervous and making sure he has no involvement with the brand anymore. Schnatter is going to fight tooth and nail against the thing he founded and ensure the power he has had for a very long time.

Honestly, it is time for a new era. It is also time to find someone else as CEO. Whether that would be one of Schnatter's kids or someone who still has strong faith in the product, I don't know. Whatever they do, they have to think quick and come up with a solution that can stop the bleeding. Papa John's ain't going down quickly, but it needs time to pick up the pieces. And I think it starts with removing Schnatter's face and image all over their promotions and boxes. Everything. A clean restart may not be a bad thing.

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